Thursday, May 26, 2011

Getting fit

I'm just going to put it out there. I'm FAT. Now, I know many of you would be offended by my perhaps, insensitive usage of this word but I'm merely stating it like it is.It's simply how I feel. Fat. I've always struggled with my weight. There hasn't been a time in my life when I wasn't worried about my weight, whether it was up or going down.
I've been on and fallen off the fitness wagon many many times, too many to count in fact. Right before my wedding this past September I was super vigilant about my caloric intake and my exercise regimen, so much so in fact that I was probably the lightest and healthiest I've ever been as an adult (trying to fit into a white dress will do that to you!) but like always, after the wedding I fell OFF the wagon and so now 8 months later I'm trying to get back on it. I won't lie, I have gained some weight back, thankfully only about 5 pounds but I've lost much if not all of my muscle definition.
My goal with writing about it so openly is to help me stay on track and hopefully by staying accountable to those out on the interwebs I may be able to stay ON the fitness wagon for the rest of my life. At this point You may be wondering what I look like since I'm making such a big deal out of my weight. Well, lets go down memory lane shall we?
August 08'

March 09'

June 09'

October 09'

March 10'

May 10'

September 10'

December 10'

May 11'

So there you have it. At my highest weight I was approximately 225 pounds, I'm only guessing here as I was deathly afraid of getting on a scale. I didn't actually start weighing myself until about a month into my fitness kick. As you can see, I didn't really get into getting fit until March of 2010. I was running short on time and I knew I wanted to look nice for my wedding so I ramped it up. I lost weight pretty quickly at first but by July of last year I'd hit a plateau. I was very disappointed that I wasn't able to get get into a size 10 by the wedding(that was my goal at the time). I could get into size 10 pants but I wasn't able to fully zipper them all the way. At that point my hope was to get back from our amazing honeymoon and keep on the fitness train, but with the holidays and my general lack of laziness it obviously didn't happen!
My overall goal is really to just be at a happy weight and size which for me is a size 8. I've never been a size 8 but for my height and body type thats approximately where I should be. I'd like to stay active and eat healthy to be at a good weight when my husband and I start trying to conceive. I want to feel like I can do anything and run anywhere for the rest of my life. I don't want to slip back into old habits and laziness.
I hope that by being open about it I'll stay on track. I'll proabably post once a week on how I'm doing with the weightloss, calorie intake, and exercise routine. Let me know if theres anything specific about my weightloss efforts that you'd like to see me write about!

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